Rubber bollards
Recycled rubber bollards fulfil their mission as a road safety element, , but at the same time they provide other benefits, such as being made from recycledproducts, and due to their composition, being rubber, they do not damage vehicles in case of accidental friction. On the one hand, they offer great resistance due to their inner steel core, faithfully fulfilling their mission, but their rubber exterior gives them other advantages. Advantages also for pedestrians, especially the elderly and children, safe in the event of a fall or a blow against them.

City model
- Diameter 124mm
- Height 800mm
- Fitted Weight 9kg
- Screwed Weight 9,2kg
- Embedded: System for embedding directly into the pavement, fixing it with cement..
- Screwed: System for screwing into the pavement.
- Shipping format: Pallet of 100 units (1000×12000) Height 1.5m

Classic model
- Diameter 200mm
- Height 760mm
- Fitted Weight 9kg
- Screwed Weight 9,2kg
- Embedded: System for embedding directly into the pavement, fixing it with cement..
- Screwed: System for screwing into the pavement
- Shipping format: Pallet of 70 units (1000×12000) Height 1.5m